My troubles seem to be that we cannot retain members once recruited. Sure, they stay for a few weeks, maybe a month, then they leave. Mind you the recruitment isn't exactly full on either, in that when i announce via trade chat or other means either a 'no ty' or silence at the other end greets us (the recruiters). I have attempted to "sell" the guild to prospective members by putting up witty or funny recruitment messages, also including things like weekly comps or raids, transmog runs, stuff like that. Sure, some bite, so to speak and join up. I attempt to run a social friendly and fun guild and by and large, the people that are in the guild are certainly that, infact they are a good bunch of people. However, there are also no more than 10 people online at any given time, and worst case scenario, 2 to 3. Shameful, i know.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
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