Hey guys and girls, Christmas is coming and I put my lights up on my balcony last night. I sat outside and played guitar for the building next to me, but I don't think anyone heard.. apparently they were all in the mall stepping over people. I'm going to rally my sibs and friends this year and drag them out christmas caroling... they'll hate it at first, but love me after.
I'm looking forward to 09.. I can't wait to share this past year of music with you.. Enjoy the season* Al
Ich stell sie mir grad vor, wie sie mit einer Gruppe Erwachsener (Familie,Freunde) für Kinder an der Haustür singt Ich find das cool.. Aber sie hat bei der kälte draußen gesessen und hat Gitarre gespielt? omg omg Is sie eigentlich noch in LA.. da ist es ja noch nich so kalt xD whatever.